We know from time to time you will have questions about the app. Here are the most common questions we receive.

Do I need to create a teacher account to use this app?

No, you do not need to create a teacher account to use the majority of the Level It Books app functionality. By creating a teacher account, you will have the ability to submit book levels and/or book recommendations (likes/reviews).

How do you use levels submitted by teachers in the app?

We use these submitted levels as an indicator of which books you would like to see a level for in the Level It Books app that we currently do not have. We then independently verify these submitted levels for correctness before loading them for other users to see.

Why isn't my email address a valid domain for this app?

As an example, in the United States, there is a state standard for secondary school email addresses to adhere to. We have those preloaded and are considered valid domains. This standard for secondary schools is k12.[state].us and for libraries is lib.[state].us. If your school district's domain falls outside of this standard, just use the Contact Us option in the app, and we will validate your school's domain and load it within 24 hours.

Note: Teacher accounts are not limited to the U.S.. As long as you are employed by a educational institution, you can create a teacher account after we validate your school's domain.

Why didn't I receive a verification email after I created a Teacher account?

We have worked hard on getting our email to not show in your spam email box, but sometimes email doesn't go where it was intended to go. If you don't receive an email within a few minutes, check your spam box. Very rarely the school's email filters will reject the email back to us. If you can't find it, please contact us and we can manually regenerate one for you.

After scanning an ISBN, why does the scanner just keep searching?

This is definitely not the intended outcome while searching. We have had a few users report this under extremely slow or bad data connections.

You can reload the app by using the "Reload App" option in the options menu (3 horizontal lines at top left on the home screen). This will reset the scanner so you can search again.

When I scan a book's ISBN, why does the app tell me it's not found?

This could be due to a couple of different reasons.

  • - Make sure that you are scanning the ISBN and not the UPC of the book. The ISBN of 13 digits has been used since 1/1/2007 and will begin with the numbers "978". The ISBN of 10 alphanumeric characters will exist on books published before 1/1/2007.

    Tip: If the UPC and the ISBN exist together, make sure to cover up the UPC so the scanner won't identify it. When in the app, tap the information icon (i) on the scanning page for additional tips.

  • - If the ISBN-13 or ISBN-10 is scanned, we are unable to locate a book by the scanned ISBN. ISBNs that fall under this category normally can't be found by any major online book seller.
The recommended solution for this, is to either cover up the UPC and rescan the ISBN or search by book title or author in the manual search screen.

Why is my camera not working while attempting to scan a book?

When prompted the first time you launch the scanner, please ensure you grant access to your device's camera. If you accidently tap no, the screen will be black when you tap the scan buttons and you will be unable to scan.

To toggle the camera access back on, please follow these simple steps:

  • 1.) Tap on the iOS Settings app
  • 2.) Tap on Privacy
  • 3.) Tap on Camera
  • 4.) Toggle the Level It app on